
1/48 B-1B Final: Special Thanks!

I really appreciate your likes and messages.

1/48 B-1B Album No.14 Early Morning Training

No14: 早朝訓練の風景

1/48 B-1B Phot Album No.13;Night Mission (4)Take off!

No13:Night Mission(4) Take off‼️ ‍⚖️:D.Tower, Clear to take off! ‍:Lajua, take off! Good day tower ❗️ In my image, enjoy myself 釣り糸の細さと強度への挑戦でした。なんとか見えない細さで頑張りましたが、途中で切れたりしたので、2重で使用しまし…

1/48 B-1B PhotAlbum No12: Nigh Operation (3): Ready to Taxi!

No12; Night Mission(3):Ready for Taxi! Cockpit hatch is closed! 👨🏻‍🚀 Request the taxi ❗️ 夜間基地での発進準備完了!ってイメージです! もちろん ハッチは閉めてます。コックピット前席も後席も😉😅 さあ タキシング準備です!

1/48 B-1B Album No.12 : Sortie Preparation 出撃準備!

No.12: Operation! Marshaling❗️Ground assist carts,they are lead roles,not supporting 😊😊出撃準備です!主役は彼らでしょう😅😅😅

1/48 B-1B Photo Album No.11: Night Mission(2): Under the Moon.

No.11: Night Mission2: Take off preparation under the Moon. 👩🏻‍🚀: Befor closing the hatch, look at the beautiful moon ❗️ 👨🏻‍🚀:Wao

1/48 B-1B Photo Album No.10: Night Mission (1)Pre-Flight Check Lists❗️All Clear ❗️

No 10. Night Mission (1) Preparation for Night Flight ❗️ I made the Night Mission Version 😅 Pilot 👩🏻‍🚀: Pre Flight Check Lists⁉️ Co-P 👨🏻‍🚀: All,CLEAR‼️ ..in my own image,I just want to enjoy 😊 夜間発進準備!ここから先は私の空想世界です。

1/48 B-1B Album No.9; Other Gimimick

No.9 : Lights around the cockpit