
Revell 1/48 B-1B lancer production record(6) Wing Construction

Leading edge slats were fixed by pins! In anterior edge,some modification was needed. My wing tended to be heavier because much patty were used..... Heavy wing should be inserted later, also should be fixed without dropping down. Fixation …

Revell 1/48 B-1B production Record(5) Slats&Flaps

Leading edge slats,Spoilar, Flaps,,,every parte were cutted out,and reconstructed!I I like such kind of handmaking process. スケールモデルというより工作ですね! 資料に従って前縁スラット、スポイラーそしてフラップ切り出します!スポイラーはプ…

1/48 Level B-1B Lancer production Record(4) Cockpit!

The cockpit,there are many my dreams.....Anyone,anytime,anywhere,here is the startpoint to the blue sky!!!! 機体の修正に心が折れそうになりながら、モチベーションアップはやっぱりコックピットです。エッチングパーツが大活躍です。もちろん えんき…

1/48 B-1B lancer Production Record (3) Data Collection!

I’m mad about B1B,but I extremely love the reciprocating...In my case, most important things is data collection,data,pictures,books,they are all pilotage! レベル 1/48 B-1Bの作成に欠かせないもの 、沢山の資料と旅客機の写真から紐解く構造やメ…

B-1 B Production Record 2: Self-introduction and open the box . Shape Correction!

This kit needs many shape correction like my phot, so in this page,let me introduce myself. I love the sky and I extremely love the reciprocating... War birds, especially Zero. I also have the license of Private Pilot(Single Eng. land).(24…

B-1 B Production Record 1 :Kick off!

小学校以来の零戦ファン。ジェット機経験なし。男はレシプロと信じてきた昨今、B-1Bを見て驚愕! なんて美しい機体なのだろう!一瞬で心を奪われました。どこまでいけるかわからないけど新しい挑戦の始まりです(^^)